Heroin Addiction in Paris, TX

Heroin addiction is a crippling dependence that takes exceptional strength and support to break free from. Heroin addiction in Paris is a serious problem but our drug treatment centers in the area are here to help.

Why Is Heroin so Addictive?

Heroin is made from morphine or opiates as some might know, which is extracted from the poppy plant. Methods of ingestion include smoking, snorting and injecting. Morphine is a well-known pain reliever and is often used in hospitals for seriously ill patients. It is incredibly addictive, and its close cousin heroin even more so. Users of heroin describe an almost immediate euphoric feeling, and it is something that the brain remembers.

The psychological need to take the substance again can be incredibly overpowering. The way in which an addict uses heroin can also determine the levels of addiction. Injecting is the most rapid way to deliver the "hit" to the system, so injection is generally performed by those most firmly in the grips of the drug. It seems the natural progression for users is to start of snorting and smoking, and eventually progress to injecting.

Heroin goes by many guises, and nicknames vary from location to location. Some common names are smack, gear and white.

Heroin Addiction Signs and Symptoms

Heroin addiction in Paris damages the community as much as any other area in America, and it is important to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms. If you think that someone you know is using heroin, there is help available at a drug rehab in Paris.

Signs and symptoms include:

  • Constricted pupils
  • Drowsy and clumsy
  • Slowed breathing
  • Unclear thinking
  • Memory loss
  • Itching
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Addiction to heroin is highly dangerous. It is a gripping addiction that is extremely difficult to break by yourself. Heroin addiction can lead to serious illnesses including lung and heart damage, and potential kidney failure. An overdose can lead to immediate death. Sharing of needles can run the risk of transmitting HIV, or full blown aids.

Why Should I Enter a Heroin Addiction Rehab?

There is literally no option for heroin users other than entering a drug treatment center. The only other choice is death. Obviously, given the severity of the addiction, it is common for users to refuse treatment. To enter a treatment facility is to forgo your drug taking, so it is understandable why users would be reluctant to get help. If you know someone suffering from heroin addiction, it is imperative that you get help for them.

The first point of call is for them to undergo a medical detox, which needs to take place in a professional facility. Treatment centers for heroin addiction in Paris are second to none. The highest level of comfort, professionalism and highly trained staff is offered.

Treatment programs in Paris address and break the immediate issue of the addiction and also offer counselling services, group therapy and alternative holistic treatments to manage the ongoing battle that addicts may come to face. Heroin addiction in Paris can be beaten with help. Call now (877) 804-1531.

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